Submit an Activity
Excellence in teaching must always be a collaborative effort. Teachers sharing ideas is the best way to improve any individual program or discipline, and the sensitive, complex process of teaching the Holocaust can only benefit from an infusion of ideas. If you have a successful activity that has worked for you in the past and would like to share it with other teachers, follow the simple procedures outlined below and add your ideas to ours. Thank you.
Thank you! All submissions will be reveiwed by the site editors. Accepted plans will be added to the next update of A Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust website and CD-ROM. Your submission of a lesson plan indicates your permission to have the plan published by the Florida Center for Instructional Technology. The site editors reserve the right to make minor changes and corrections to submitted lesson plans. If significant alterations are made to the lesson plan, the credit line will read "Adapted from a lesson plan submitted by [your name here]."
A Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust
Produced by the Florida Center for Instructional Technology,
College of Education, University of South Florida © 2000.